Nilam Electromechanical Works LLC in Dubai


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Trading & Services


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All Kind of Maintenance Building Cleanings Electrical Services Flats Painting Services Plumping Water Solution Villa Warehouses


NILAM ELECTRO MICHANICAL WORKS .L.L.C As an entity has been in operation since 2006. We has an established a proven track record in the construction industry, working with many of the leading international Construction companies. We are committed to achieving and exceeding our customer's expectations through a flexible and innovative approach to design and construction. The NILAM ELECTRO MICHANICAL WORKS L.L.C, established in UAE foundation of experience gained from working on many various projects throughout UAE. As a result of the success achieved since our inception we are proud to bring our proven track record in the construction industry to this region with our focus, primarily directed towards general contracting and designs and MEP . It is our intention to continually build on these fields to provide unsurpassed service to our Clients. We have developed in-house resources supported by global entities (Suppliers, Designers, technology providers),both of which are dedicated to providing accurate estimates, value engineering options, on-time execution and delivering predictable results by controlling project variables.

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