Al Rushdi Landscaping LLC in Dubai



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Landscape & Gardening works & Maintenance


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Landscape Architects and Contractors Landscape Contractors Landscape Design and Consultancy Landscaping


AL RUSHDI Services has been providing experienced, professional lawn maintenance and landscaping services in Dubai. You can trust that you'll have fast responses and be prompt and courteous each time you hire us. Our company has grown over the years due to our dedication, hard work, and passion for making lawns beautiful.

As our clients' lawns thrive, so does Al Rushdi Services. Reliability and honesty are the building blocks of a successful business, and we are no exception.
Our team of professionals makes sure that your property is looking its best no matter what time of the year. We can set you up on a maintenance plan, bringing us back to your property as often as you need.

By having us take over your lawn maintenance, we will ensure that your lawn is healthy and hardy. Regular maintenance helps prevent weeds and allows moisture into the soil.

Landscaping is one of the most important investments on your land. Properly installed and maintained, your landscape can help to increase the perceived and real value of your property by improving the aesthetic appeal, reducing energy output, maximizing resources and increasing the long-term sustainability of your landscaping.

Working closely with our clients and applying our horticultural expertise, the Al Rushdi team provides solution based services catered specifically to the property or community

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